Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

the incendent

***In this post the term Young is in no way meant as an antonym of the Rowlans.

Young is not referring to age but to the given surname of my maternal grandparents.

I do apologize for any confusion, hurt, or realizations that may have occurred in previous readings.

Last saturday was crazizzle yo!
i was just like chillin with the ***Young grams and gramps all day at the fam reuninon. which let me tell u i aint be likin too much cuz all those wrinkley fools be like wavin and talkin to me so ugh i clung to gma all day!

anyways my moms finally brought me home and like we just be chillin for some while. She decided to give me a bath WHICH is my very favorite thang.

so ya then i get out and my moms snuggles me up in som nice jams and she starts walkin back to her bathroom.

well she was telling me to follow but i had OTHER plans. i saw my climbing stairs that i exercise on daily and decided i would work on some downward dog.

well it didnt quite go as planned.

next minute ya know i was on the tile at the bottom all disorientatted and stuff. my mom came running like crazy talkin to me and i tried to liftup but could not quite do it at the moment. decided to rest my head on the floor until she could get me. When she did get me tho she just kept saying that i was okay in a creepy stressed out tone i must say. then she was throwing my screaming bootie in the car and beepin at cars on the road. when the door opened again my dad was there ...much calmer then my mom. he carried me in this big bright building which i know know is the hospital. my moms was crying and tellin all the peple the story but i just kept screaming cuz all these people were worse than the wrinkely realitives! they kept touching me and shinning lights on me.

they finally put us in this small room and this freak of a woman came in talkin to me like i was some dog all high pitched.....i mean she as alright i guess but her tone was a little frustratin. she said i looked good except this big bump on the side of my head. she said i would need a CT or something...this is when my moms starting cryin again.

the lady left and my mom gave me some milk. whew it was about time that was all i really wanted...mmm i started to get comfy and rest. as soon as i remember falling asleep i remember being interrupted by another chick with a big computer. i was wide awake after that quick nap talking and dancing it was good times.

the nurse lady came in and said we had to do the ct now. it seemed a little scarry but u know i aint no baby. so my mom plopped me down and these lasers shine everywhere it was like a grand finally or something. then the things starte to move and my mom had to hold my head down. that part was pretty lame. i tried to move and couldnt so i cried just a little bit but my mom sang me the sweet tunes of twinkle twinkle and i calmed down. it was over after that.

we went back to the little room and by this time i was getting tired again. so my dad thought it would be a good idea to give me a glove to play with. that glove made me so mad i kept hitting it and throwing it...stupid glove. anyways they finally came and said i was cool as a cucumber to go home. Oh and that they saw a sinus infection in my brain....whatever. now there is a big gate at the bottome of the stairs kinda like the one in the kitchen....stupid downward dog.
thats my story here is a pic of all my souveners from the night.
and these other two are from my foto shoot at the follow up appointment...i kicked that sinus infection and ear infection finally...and just in time to contact my lookin good right!

Monday, March 16, 2009

an update

oh my mom put up this blockade type contraption...i don't really know why...She put it at the entrance to one of my fav rooms in like the whole casa. The kitchen. i love that place. she is totally locking me out of my fav place i mean first i have to go in there cuz thats where the moms be quite often. so after i like sit at her feet for it then i crawl on over to the cold box place where underneath are lots of fuzzy things for me to pick at and put in my mouth. then i like to crawl up on the food washer offer thing and grab at the pokey knives that i am not supposed to touch. and when it's a really good day i try and touch the hot just seems like a good idea if i could just crawl in that would be amazing. but no so now this lame gate is up..but i will beak through it. almost did tonight...but didnt.

check me in action


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

in case you be trying to forget bout me

Yo so ya i knows it's been a while i mean las you heardz i just barley be crawlin...well i just wanted to right quick update you on the simpizzle yet fabmazing life of me. here is some of the most recentist snaps(thats what i like to call photos) of me yea lookin good right..better recognize. anyway i gots some new tricks now to...clapping and waving like no ones bizness! yea yea hopin for that moms of mine to get a vid. up soon. so yea thats it for this kid...catch ya on the flip my loyal crew

Sunday, January 18, 2009


"i stay fly

no lie

you know this


hips and thighs

oh my

stay focused


so yea im crawlin it's official...been workin at it for about two weeks now and i got it down son so my ma finally caught it on the film for ya

later..gotta go crawl to bed fool

Thursday, January 1, 2009

im not and orphan!

So I think my mom thinks I am an orphan or wants my to look like one or something...

first of all she puts me in boxes..that obviously i escape from

only to roll to the nearest window and look for takers

when someone finally does pick me up they see my holey( and i dont mean like dipped in the water) clothes and run

it's a good thing my mom is pretty amazing..i will keep her around a while...only if she keeps me too!

dang i am so dang cute

here are some pictures of me on any given day just lookin so cute and all...what can I say it comes natural!