Thursday, December 25, 2008

my first christmas

I gottsta say it was a crazy schedule of events! first of all I was up WAY to late for christmas eve..and aparently so was gmizzle and auntie S they both be lookin a lil crazy! good thing auntie C was there to snuggle my bunz so I could relax

Then I was yanked out of bed way before I was ready..shoved in to some crazy out fit and then shipped back to Gmizzles...and this is when the madness began!

There was pretty good lookin paper flying all over the room and oh I just wanted to eat it all....FINALLY someone gave me some to try...but I think I wasnt supposed to eat it..they got all excited when I ripped the paper...I guess I opened my first present...

I just laid around and chewed on anything that swang my way...took a little nap and was at it again..I started attacking this huge bear.....I like to attack animals OBVIOUSLY

Soon after we headed out to the Oompas house(my moms ma and pa) and again the crazy out fit

then I was set infront of more paper the chew on and again I took a nap

after this long day I was so wiped out....i mean what do these people want from me I can only do so much...

whteve tho I got some cool stuff and it was a fun day !

Friday, December 19, 2008

White Porcelin Victory...interupted

So while I jammed through the casita in my walkeroo I escaped my moms vision into the little room that is always shut!....sneekly i inched my way to my destination and I made my move...unfortunatly i wasnt sneeky enough because my moms came bargin in total buzz kill screaming HER HAND IS IN THE TOILET! now I am not sure what she was so jealous about i mean does she think that is her little throne in there and only she can sit in it? i mean all i was going was playin a little music on the rim and then gave my hand a rest in the cool water below. Is this so bad..cant a girl jam in peace?

Anyways she yanked me out of my walkeroo so fast and dumped lots of bubbely soap and water all over me. I think she went a little overboard! When my pops got home a few minutes later she told her version of the story again ("HER HAND IS IN THE TOILET") and then my pops usually the more rational one said "did you wash her?" now obviously I was washed i mean I didnt see a need but my moms reaction was clear...and then he went on to pick me up and call me dirty.

I just do not see the big fuss here!

oh well next time I will just lock that door behind me...if I can ever reach

Friday, December 12, 2008

a normal day for me

So the on the norm i wakes up and am like whoa happy ya know. It's crazy how I just chill in my bed and than BAM my moms is so crazy!

Sometimes my moms takes me over to chill with my friend Carson. He's alright kinda gets mad when i run into him wit my walker but whatev...this is us at the park swining...

as you can see I LOVE to swing! if only the park in front of my house ha a swing like this one!

This las pic here is to show you the torture I go through with my whole family! the Gmizzle and my moms thinks its all "cute" to dress me up in crazy outfits. I dont see them wearin reindeer jumpsuits! anyways..the other night was reindeer day/snowman day. I had to wear this and watch the family eat the strangest meal I have seen yet! There was like sausage, mustard, tomato soup, little round bread things...oh and hot cocoa and sprite. Yea like I said a little strange and maybe the first time I was completly uninterested in the menu.

Oh and I would also like to mention that my moms made me wear this outfit to school with her also! It was the last class and me and danny boy my future husband were so board! We knew it would be our last time together in a lon time so we tried to make the most of it....I will have more of those intimate pics up soon! here is our finally can see he isnt taking it wellBut whatever his last memory of me is going to be in that dang outfit..not very sexy i must say but my mom did put a bow on the antelers so i guess that is chill...

This is how I really would like to be all the time...NAKED it is so freeing ya know to just let my rolls jiggle in the wind....or whatever. Anyways this is how I want to be remembered so dont you forget it!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

what it isssss son???

Yo my name is Petyl but u can call me PJ im gonna b 7 months old in 5 days....

since really all my mamacita does is blog about me anyway(i mean the pic is even of ME!!!) i decided to start my own. And since tonight my mamacita tried to pull an all nighter on the homework i crashed the party at about 1:30 and have not gotten tired since.....i decided NOW would be my first blog. I hacked into her blog since i dont gots an email or nuttin...

At this moment....
i am chewing on the headphones cord and listening to the tweaker neighbors gate open and shut(yes it is 2:45 in the AM) this is the uuush for tweakers i assume.

anyways back to ME i just got done listening to my madre sing to me her song she is singing in the recital with the G-Mizzle next tuesday..anyways she sang it like 4 times tried to rock me in the rocker and give me my bink but none of that would work u see cuz i wanted to join her downstairs. I could smell that she made some cookies even though I cant eat them...i know she will...and later my milk will taste sweeter because of this HAHA..but instead i drank some Gripe Water because my moms thinks i may be gassalicious..which i think i am hence the burping...

shoot the moms caught me bloggin......hmm well

so anyways keep up with this blog it is going to be me and it will also have lots of insight into the real world of the Rowlan being a babyand all I am able to share and look so stinkin cute at the same time that no one notices1!!

well peace out

catch u on the flip

p.s. petyl is a very gangster baby and some of her slang may be hard to interpret so try and keep up fools..oh yes and she likes to talk about herself in the third person or whatever person it well