Tuesday, December 9, 2008

what it isssss son???

Yo my name is Petyl but u can call me PJ im gonna b 7 months old in 5 days....

since really all my mamacita does is blog about me anyway(i mean the pic is even of ME!!!) i decided to start my own. And since tonight my mamacita tried to pull an all nighter on the homework i crashed the party at about 1:30 and have not gotten tired since.....i decided NOW would be my first blog. I hacked into her blog since i dont gots an email or nuttin...

At this moment....
i am chewing on the headphones cord and listening to the tweaker neighbors gate open and shut(yes it is 2:45 in the AM) this is the uuush for tweakers i assume.

anyways back to ME i just got done listening to my madre sing to me her song she is singing in the recital with the G-Mizzle next tuesday..anyways she sang it like 4 times tried to rock me in the rocker and give me my bink but none of that would work u see cuz i wanted to join her downstairs. I could smell that she made some cookies even though I cant eat them...i know she will...and later my milk will taste sweeter because of this HAHA..but instead i drank some Gripe Water because my moms thinks i may be gassalicious..which i think i am hence the burping...

shoot the moms caught me bloggin......hmm well

so anyways keep up with this blog it is going to be amazing...like me and it will also have lots of insight into the real world of the Rowlan family..me being a babyand all I am able to share and look so stinkin cute at the same time that no one notices1!!

well peace out

catch u on the flip

p.s. petyl is a very gangster baby and some of her slang may be hard to interpret so try and keep up fools..oh yes and she likes to talk about herself in the third person or whatever person it is..as well


Tara said...

Wow, Petyl, you're brilliant!!! I guess I need to teach Ava to blog now too!!! Word to your mutha, fool!!!

Anonymous said...

Petyl you should make sure your mama is sleepin before you start bloggin.

Shelly Rowlan said...

So I am G-mizzle? Here everyone is asking me if I'm nana or grammie or gramma or whatever and you had already named me. It works. Your blog is amazing--just like you are. But you should probably just bring the computer into your crib then you don't have to bother your mamacita.

Cheryl said...

What's wrong with my grandkids...none of them are blogging yet? Way to set the standard PJ. Peace out.

Anonymous said...

Hey Pet! SHAYT? MDWG!!! IHYD stay up too late, well, TAAIHTS, sooo, K, yeah, well, G2G, NWID! MCC, SK TXTing me, WSID? IW? Petyl! Helpeth me! KNR, G2G
