Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hello my name is Petyl and I am a binkaholic

So it's like 20-11! cant believe it...feels like it was just like 2 years ago i was an infant or something. Anyways I am writing a very important blog right hizzzzer. I got some changes to make. I got some work to be done on myself.

My name is Petyl. I am 2 years, 7months and 22 days old. Oh and I am a binkaholic! I grew up in a pretty sweet pad with my own room and moms and pops all to myself for a lot of this time. I dont want to blizame any one person for this horrible lil addiction i gots but i meanz i gotta be real. It was my moms! She just like shoved this thing in my mouth every day and night of my life...and it was only a matter of months before i became dependent. It was with me through all the good and bad times..and dirty times too..

without that bink i woulda ate my own poop..
It was with me in the times of pure trauma!

I really loved it. I mean what was this moms of mine thinking doin that to me..making me love something like that! Oh i didnt even tell u...u'll never believe what she did next! The crazy woman that she is then decided I shouldnt have it. She took it from me about 2 months pry to my 2nd bdizzle. I was pretty cool with it. I mean it wasnt like the best thing but I was cool I was movin on ya know.

Then in came the sista. And what does moms do? she brings the bink back and shoves it down sistas throat. The addiction inside me was boiling to the surface until one day i just snapped. 
I snuck in sistas lil bed and snatched that thing was so good but so bad.
I had to have it...and for a while I did. Moms was busy and not on guard enough and the bink was just out and about for me..  I fell even harder this time. It was real love.
 snuggled all night...
 We even went on a lil vacay together..
 It was there when I was sick...
The Sista and I were both happy with our lovely binks. It was a wondrous time.

But this blog isnt about that...its about needing to move on. My dad showed me the truth about these horrible binks!

EWWW! he called it buck teeth. and No No No i aint havin no buck in my teeth! So here we are. the addiction is in me..and im scerred it prolly always will be. i still break in to the sistas room and steal hers every chance I get. I can't help it the addiction has taken over. But with the help of my mom and her strategic placement of the bink I keep away from it as much as possible.

I thought writing this blog would help keep me accountable. It would keep me on guard and maybe gain some support.

aight im done

in other news I am also gonna work on usin that potty thing this more diapers fo me. Its gonna be a big year.



Unknown said...

hahahahahahhahaha this blog post was highly entertaining! more! more!

Ashley said...

BAHAHAHA! LOVE this post! Good luck Petyl!!